
Employer Super Guarantee payments for employees

April 1, 2024|

Attention: Employers. Please remember the January to March 2024 quarter Super Guarantee payments for your employees must be paid by the 28th April 2024. Make sure to stay on top of your employee Super contributions to fulfill your obligations as an employer. If you are late in paying, you must lodge an SGC Charge statement to the ATO instead. We can help you with this.  Get in touch with

Do you have an ATO tax debt?

March 24, 2024|

Do you have an ATO tax debt?   Do you need a payment plan without spending hours on the phone waiting to speak to an ATO representative? We can help you with this.  Get in touch with us today. Xero Certified Bookkeeper  Sally: 0414 522 778    Or Book a free 15 minute consultation here  

Do you supply or sell food and beverage products?

March 24, 2024|

Do you supply or sell food and beverage products? The ATO have updated the GST on food and beverage products. Make sure you review the Detailed Food List on the ATO website for you to identify combination foods and know when you need to charge GST. #foodbeverage #gst #hawkesburybusiness #ato Need help with this? Get in touch with us today. Xero Certified Bookkeeper  Sally: 0414 522 778    Or

Keep up with your responsibilities as an employer to avoid penalties and interest

March 19, 2024|

Keep up with your responsibilities as an employer to avoid penalties and interest. Our resources are here to assist you in meeting your tax and super obligations: - Reporting through Single Touch Payroll (STP) enabled software - Calculating and reporting Pay As You Go (PAYG) withholding - Paying super guarantee (SG) in full, on time, and to the correct fund - Calculating and reporting Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) -

Hiring new staff for your business?

January 5, 2024|

There is a lot to consider. Find the correct pay rates through the Fairwork Awards. Setup your single touch payroll with any applicable allowances in your accounting software. Prepare to pay employee's SGC Super and PAYG withholding tax. Need help with this? Get in touch with us today. Xero Certified Bookkeeper  Sally: 0414 522 778    Or Book a free 15 minute consultation here  

Start the New Year right! Is it time to get your books in order?

January 5, 2024|

People are busy before the Christmas season as are many business owners. Now may be the time for you to consider outsourcing a bookkeeper to catch up on all the tasks that were left behind and ensure your records are up to date. Get in touch with us today. Xero Certified Bookkeeper  Sally: 0414 522 778    Or Book a free 15 minute consultation here  

Starting a new business?

November 1, 2023|

Starting a new business? It can be exciting but it also comes with responsibilities.  One of the most important responsibility is maintaining your financial records. Everything from processing your expense receipts, collecting your income, managing payroll for paying wages etc and understanding your tax/super obligations that may be due. For this you may need someone to keep it accurately up to date at all times because you never know

Spring cleaning time for your business financials

September 8, 2023|

Spring is here! It's a good time now after the tax season is over to start spring cleaning your business financials to prepare for next year. A few tips to start:- Clean up your bank accounts. If you have unreconciled amounts on your bank reconciliation, dive deeper into what they are and allocate correctly. Review your debts Look at your expenses to perhaps save on costs Review your insurance

Bookkeeping for Hospitality Businesses

March 20, 2023|

Where your business is a restaurant, hotel/pub or a café you will need to be on top of your financial records and it may be too much to do week to week. Why waste your time in processing supplier invoices to calculate the correct GST to prepare your BAS when you can outsource this headache to a professional BAS Agent who can do it all for you instead. Focus

Time to transition to STP Phase 2 in Xero

January 30, 2023|

Starting STP Phase 2 is mandatory by the ATO. Xero has had their deferral in place until 31st March 2023. So it’s now time to start the changeover. What happens if you don’t transition in time? Failure to comply by this deadline may result in ATO penalities. Do you need some help with this? Get in touch with us today. Xero Certified Bookkeeper  Sally: 0414 522 778    Or

When should you outsource tasks from your business?

October 14, 2022|

Are you spending too much time on your bookkeeping tasks, invoicing, paying bills and recording expenses? Are you overwhelmed or stressed by having too much to do for your customers? If you spend too much time on these type of tasks, it may be time to outsource these type of important bookkeeping tasks. That way you can concentrate on growing your business further by getting more work, hiring more

Tips for Tradies to Get Paid Faster

March 11, 2022|

Getting paid late by your customers can have a major effect on your own cashflow. When your customers pay on time, you can then pay your suppliers and employees on time as well as yourself. Set Customer Agreements with your payment terms. When you start to work with a new client, make sure you have a contract agreement with your terms in writing. Have the new client sign your

Tips to work smarter and find more personal time

January 27, 2022|

To work smarter means looking at how you can save more time, energy and money so you can spend more personal time on the other things in life. Many business owners think they have to work harder by working long hours to be profitable. Doing that can lead to burning out when there may be other ways to manage your business. Find the right business management tools There are

Stapled Super Funds

January 27, 2022|

Employers from 1st November 2021, may have an extra step to take for new employees that do not choose a Super fund. The ATO says that the employer may now have to request their new employees ‘stapled super fund’ details from them. A Stapled super fund means its already existing with the ATO from the employee’s previous job. This change by the ATO is to stop new super accounts

Three Consequences of Avoiding your Bookkeeping

August 28, 2021|

If you ask 100 business owners what they like least about running a business, chances are good that bookkeeping will rank high on the list. It’s an annoying and frustrating chore that takes up a lot of time and is easy to put off until tomorrow. Avoiding your bookkeeping is dangerous. Not knowing your company’s financial situation can result in a series of missteps that could ultimately cost you

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