Three Ways to Speed up Invoicing
Everyone likes making money, especially small business owners. Invoicing, however, is typically one of the tasks that small business owners like the least. Chores like creating and sending invoices get set aside for other duties that are seen as more enjoyable or even more urgent. You tell yourself you’ll get around to it tomorrow, but tomorrow becomes next week, next week becomes next month, and suddenly you realise your
If my business is making a profit, where is the cash?
Some small business owners find themselves in the difficult position of running a business that appears to be profitable, but still having no money in the bank. It’s an important situation to address. After all, a lack of adequate cash flow is one of the main causes of small business failure. Here are three reasons profitable businesses have little money in the bank, and what business owners can do
Three Tips for Managing Construction Industry Cash Flow
I understand that owning a small business in the construction industry can be incredibly stressful. Not only, with the long days and hazardous working conditions, then you have to worry about cash flow issues. It can take a long time to collect on payment from your clients or contractors who hired your business, and in the meantime you have to pay employees, cover other expenses, buy materials and pay
5 Most Common Accounting Mistakes That Could Hurt Your Business
Many small business owners tend to handle their own accounting and bookkeeping, especially when they’ve just started out. However, keeping track of the finance-side of the business– everything from income to expenses to tax compliance– can be overwhelming. Mistakes can happen quite easily and can have costly consequences to your business. Below are five of the most common DIY accounting errors that you should avoid. Unorganised Records It takes
Links to helpful websites
Here are some handy links to Government websites.
End of Year Financials
There are always checks to be done by your bookkeeper to make sure you are claiming enough tax deductions.
Bookkeeping for Cleaning industry
I have clients in the cleaning industry. Be aware that you must now lodge your Taxable Payment Annual Report to the ATO for any subcontractors you have paid for the financial year. If you need help with your bookkeeping, contact Sally on 0414 522 778.
What does a bookkeeper do and why do I need one?
A bookkeeper keeps track of your sales, purchases, payments and receipts. They organise and record financial data on a day to day basis and store the information in general ledgers in a standard way so that the accountant can also access it to prepare the financial end of year. Without proper bookkeeping and trained knowledge on how to record transactions correctly, you may miss out on tax deductions you are
Fuel tax credits to claim on your BAS
Fuel tax credits provide businesses with a credit for the fuel tax that is included in the price of fuel used in machinery, plant and equipment, heavy vehicles and light vehicles travelling off public roads or on private roads. Have a professional bookkeeper calculate your fuel tax credits correctly for your next BAS. Contact us
Are you falling behind with your bookkeeping?
Bookkeeping is usually the last tedious job to do when running a business. Who has the time right? It's hard enough keeping up with your invoicing, chasing your customer's payments and paying your staff. That's why you should not feel worried about asking for help from a professional bookkeeper. We aim to take the burden off you and show you new ways of doing things to ease your pain!
Missing out on GST claims
Do your receipts look like this? If you're behind on your bookkeeping, you may be missing out on GST refunds and tax deductions on your BAS for your business. Need help? Contact us
Completing your Business Activity Statement (BAS)
As BAS Agents, we must take "reasonable care of your financial matters" and need to review most of your receipts/supplier tax invoices to claim back the GST on your behalf. We offer a full bookkeeping service from the start of every month to preparing all ATO requirements for monthly/quarterly/yearly lodgements. Feel free to contact us Click here if you would like to save your own business time and prefer a
Bookkeeping for manufacturing industry
I have a few clients that are in the manufacturing industry in the Hawkesbury area. While they are busy with their business, there is no time to keep their books up to date. They need a bookkeeper to keep on top of it all and especially a BAS Agent to lodge the ATO monthly and quarterly returns required, for example the IAS form for PAYG withholding tax (wages) and BAS. Contact a
Restaurant bookkeeping
Bookkeeping for restaurant owners can be very time consuming especially while you are busy creating new menus, ordering your supplies, sorting out staff issues, marketing, preparing each table service etc. Why not outsource your bookkeeping with all those supplier bills to enter into your accounting software and pay, bank accounts to reconcile and BAS lodgements to keep on track! Contact an experienced Restaurant bookkeeper in the Hawkesbury today! 0414 522
Bookkeeping for Tradies
Get more organised and solve your record keeping hassles! If you're behind on your paperwork, you need an affordable bookkeeping service to stay on top of it all! Bookkeeping fixed fee packages so there are no surprises! Weekly or monthly service available. Contact an experienced trade bookkeeper today. Hawkesbury area. 0414 522 778 Get in touch today